Delete empty running reservations automatically

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A reservation is a set of resources for a certain period of time.  If there are no jobs in a running reservation, then the resources sit idle.  This RFE is to provide the ability to delete a reservation that sits idle for a period of time

Interface 1: Reservation attribute

Name: delete_idle_time

Perms: User read/write

Default: None (except for ASAP reservations: 10m)

Argument: Duration - seconds or HH:MM:SS


If a running reservation sits idle for this amount of time (seconds), the reservation will be deleted and the resources released.  It is submitted as a -W option to pbs_rsub.

Technical Details

There is a feature very close to this in PBS already.  If an ASAP reservation sits idle for 10m after it starts running, it gets deleted.  This is because an ASAP reservation is meant to run one job (the job qmoved into it).  If the job finishes early, the reservation should end. 

This functionality will be extended.  The new attribute defines the idle time.  It isn't a static 10m.  This functionality is now open to all types of reservations. 

ASAP reservations will start using this functionality instead of its static 10m.  An ASAP reservation will get 'delete_idle_time' set to 10m if it is not already set.

For standing reservations, the idle time affects each occurrence.  If the timer is hit, the occurrence ends.  The next occurrence will start at its usual time.

Also, on server restart, the idle timer is reset.


% pbs_rsub -R2200 -E 2300 -Wdelete_idle_time=600


% pbs_rsub -R2200 -E 2300 -Wdelete_idle_time=10:00


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