
Intro to PBS Pro

Philosophy (Bill, Jon)

Tools we use: github, Jira, etc. (pointers to useful pages) (Brem)

Platforms supported by open source version of PBS Pro

Contributing to PBS Pro

Roles in PBS Pro

Becoming a contributor

Contributing code


Getting started with the codebase

Step-by-step guide to Git workflows

Choosing an issue and designing your solution

Writing the code ???

Testing your code (Ian-done)

Using PTL for testing

Getting your changes added to the main repository

Making well-chosen commits (openstack page)

Signing your git commits

How to write a good commit message


Filing bugs and feature requests

The bug lifecycle

Timeline, Roadmap, and Versions

PBS Pro roadmap (Bill, Jon)

PBS Pro versioning (Jon)

PBS Pro documentation

End-user documentation

Internal design specification (coming soon)

PBS Pro doxygen output

Contact and communication

Mailing lists

The fine print: being part of the community

Code of Conduct

Acceptable Use Policy

Resources (currently empty)



Page Tree


About This Page

Recent space activity

Space contributors