Community discussion is present here:


PBS currently has a facility for logging via syslog. We are reverse engineering to the EDD. We need to have the use cases, test scenarios and test cases (both manual and PTL) reviewed by the open source community.

Use Cases

1. As an admin, I should be able to set PBS logging via syslog so that all daemons log into the same file.

2.  As an admin, I should be able to control log events level of the PBS logging.

3.  As an admin, I should be able to set the logging via syslog for all nodes in the cluster

4.  As an admin, I should be able to set the logging via syslog for all servers in a failover environment.

5. As a admin I should be able to have logging into both local daemons and Syslog enabled together

6.  As an admin/user, I should be able to run tracejob for a specific job with Syslog.
Note- This functionality is not currently given by PBS. This is added here because it is nice enhancement for future use.

7.  As an admin/user, I should be able to differentiate log messages from each daemon.

8. As an admin/user, I should be able to set logging via syslog for only a particular daemon (Server, Mom, Sched or Comm).