Build steps:

  1. Clone the open source PBSPro/pbspro master repository from github (
    and keep at any directory. (say "Top level" directory for our build process)
  2. Build pbspro using visual studio 2008 express edition, 
    it will generate new folder named "win_build".
  3. Execute the batch scripts located at pbspro\win_configure\msi_installer\wix,
    this will generate new directory called "PBS"

    1. Run preb.bat for build target directory with necessory files. (This step will generate new PBS directory with necessary files)
    2. Download and keep the vcredist for 2010 c++ at /PBS/exec/etc
    3. Execute build_wxs_source.bat for build dynamic wix source files.
    4. Run "create_msi.bat" script for building PBSPro.msi installer. 

Install steps:

  1. Double click the installer and choose the path to install.
  2. Open Command prompt as a Administrator and navigate to installation path of "PBS/exec/etc"(Here, we could see script)

  3. Manually execute the "" script as below.

    python post_install -u <username>  -p <password>

Un-install steps:

  1.  Stop/kill the services from "Task_Manager"
  2.  De register the services manually.
    (pbs_account --unreg pbs_server
    pbs_account --unreg pbs_sched
    pbs_account --unreg pbs_comm
    pbs_account --unreg pbs_mom )
  3. Un-install the package using msi installer. (In second double click, we will get "Remove" option)
  4. Manually need to delete PBS directory at "C:\\program files(x86)\PBS"