Make Sure You're Not Duplicating Someone Else's Effort

First, Have an Idea
Next, Check JIRA for Your Bug or Feature


    • Review the feature backlog in JIRA to see whether your feature idea is already logged and perhaps already under development
    • Consult the PBS Roadmap to see whether there are plans for related work
    • If your proposed feature is not already logged, file an RFE in JIRA


Is It a Good Idea?

Float your idea on the developer forum.  Even if it's a great idea, odds are that you'll get valuable feedback about refinements.  And you'll find out whether someone else is already working on something similar.

Make Issue Scope Manageable

Make sure the work you are planning is nicely bite-sized.  The bug or feature may turn out to be better handled as smaller pieces.  Once you have a general idea of your design, start discussion of your approach on the developer forum, and get feedback on whether the bug or feature needs to be broken down into sub-tasks.  Add details to the ticket as you go along.

Make sure the code that will go into a pull request follows the rules for pull requests.  The code must:

  • Adhere to the top-level design and architecture document (the EDD) that was approved by the community
  • Not destabilize the current product in any way
  • Pass the current set of reviews and CI tests
  • Be associated with a distinct JIRA ticket (meaning that the code represents a clear use case)

File New Tickets for Sub-tasks

You may need to create several smaller tasks (user stories) under the umbrella epic.  Go ahead and file these JIRA tickets.

Own It!

Once you have a manageable feature or bug, assign the feature or bug ticket to yourself.  Now it's yours!