
Ticket was addressed by removing the code to restart the Python interpreter. This change introduced a significant memory leak when queuejob, modifyjob, and movejob hooks are present. This code will be restored in such a way that the administrator has more control and visibility over Python restarts. The change control is being defined as experimental because the long term plan is to address the memory leak in the pbs Python extension itself. Once completed, all of these interfaces become unnecessary.

There are three server attributes being added to control the frequency of interpreter restarts (documented below). The server maintains two counters that keep track of the number of hooks serviced and the number of Python objects created since the last restart. A restart is triggered when either of these counters exceeds the specified limits (python_restart_max_hooks or python_restart_max_objects) AND the specified time interval (python_restart_min_interval) has elapsed. A restart will NOT be triggered before the specified interval has elapsed. A restart will NOT be triggered if the interval has elapsed, but neither counter has exceeded its limit.


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