Build steps:

  1. Clone the open source PBSPro/pbspro master repository from github (
    and keep at any directory. (say "Top level" directory for our build process)
  2. Build pbspro using visual studio 2008 express edition, 
    it will generate new folder named "win_build".
  3. Execute the batch scripts located at pbspro\win_configure\msi_installer\wix,
    this will generate new directory called "PBS"

    1. Run preb.bat for build target directory with necessory files.
              Example:   prep.bat "binaries_path=<build_third_party_binaries_dir>"
       (This step will generate new PBS directory with necessary files)
    2. Download and keep the vcredist for 2010 c++ at /PBS/exec/etc
    3. Execute build_wxs_source.bat for build dynamic wix source files.
    4. Run "create_msi.bat" script for building PBSPro.msi installer. 

Install steps:

  1. Double click the installer and choose the path to install.
  2. Open Command prompt as a Administrator and navigate to installation path of "PBS/exec/etc"(Here, we could see script)

  3. Manually execute the "" script as below.

    <PBS_EXEC>\python\python.exe -u <username>  -p <password>
    Note: Even on domain machine, please use username only.
    Example: if the user name in domain machine is <domain>\<username>, just pass username as argument.

Un-install steps:

  1.  Stop/kill the services from "Task_Manager"
  2.  De register the services manually.
    (pbs_account --unreg pbs_server
    pbs_account --unreg pbs_sched
    pbs_account --unreg pbs_comm
    pbs_account --unreg pbs_mom )
  3. Un-install the package using msi installer. (In second double click, we will get "Remove" option)
  4. Manually need to delete PBS directory at "C:\\program files(x86)\PBS"