Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Visibility: Public
  • Change Control: Stable
  • Details:
  • The following warning message will be logged if direct write was requested but the path(s) are not usecp-able from the primary execution host.
  • "Direct write is requested for job:$job_id but the destination: $final_destination_directory is not usecp-able from $mom_hostname" (DEBUG)
  • Same message will be logged into job's stderr file as well.
  • The following warning message will be logged if job is rerun (qrerun) to copy the job's standard out/error files back to the Server until job is rescheduled and direct_write is enabled.

  • "Skipping copy of directly written $which file on rerun of job $jobid" (DEBUG3DEBUG4)

  • The following warning will come if the mom comes to a conclusion that the stdout/err files might have written directly and thereby it is not available in the spool area.
  • "Skipping directly written/absent spool file$file_path" (DEBUG3DEBUG4)

Interface 4: direct_write and remove_files options can be used with qalter.

  • Visibility: Public
  • Change Control: Stable
  • Details: A user can change the provided options for a particular job if the job has not started yet.
  • Usage of direct_write with qalter:
  • qalter -koed $jobid.
  • Usage of remove_files with qalter:
  • qalter -Roe $jobid.
  • If the job has already started running, it will throw the following (already existing) error :
  • qalter: Cannot modify attribute while job running  Remove_Files $jobid

Interface 5: More lenient way of usage of - k sub-arguments

  • Visibility: Public
  • Change Control: Stable
  • Details: The user can have any possible combinations of (oedn)* with only exception that n cannot be used with o/e.
  • The earlier implementation of keep_files puts more restrictions on the way to use sub arguments.
    The options can be o/e/oe/eo along with -k.
  • After this RFE, the following usages will be valid.
    1. -kode
      oe doen’t have to be strictly used together.
    2. koded
      Multiple occurrence of the sub-argument will not result in an illegal operation error as there is no violation of the rule.


  • qsub -koed 

Means direct write both the job's output and error files to the Output_path and Error_path if host:path is usecp-able from the primary exec host.  If they are not, issue a warning in mom log and stderr file then do normal spooling and staging.
