Versions Compared


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  1. Open CMD
  2. Change directory to C:\Users\pbsbuild\builds\pbspro
    1. Command: cd C:\Users\pbsbuild\builds\pbspro
  3. (Optional, but Mandatory only if your network connections are behind proxy) set HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variable
    1. Command: set HTTP_PROXY=http://<proxy_user>:<proxy_user_pass>@<proxy_ip>:<proxy_port>
    2. Command: set HTTPS_PROXY=http://<proxy_user>:<proxy_user_pass>@<proxy_ip>:<proxy_port>
  4. (Optional, but Mandatory only if you have not installed Python 2.7.13 as per mentioned under section 'Install Python 2.7.13 (Optional)') run .appveyor\build_python.bat
    1. Command: call .appveyor\build_python.bat 1>build_python.bat.out 2>&1
  5. run .appveyor\appveyor_helper.bat to compile all PBS deps
    1. Command: call .appveyor\appveyor_helper.bat
  6. setup VS2008 tools
    1. Command: call "%VS90COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat"
  7. Build PBSPro
    1. Command: vcbuild win_configure\pbs_windows_VS2008.sln "Release|Win32"
  8. Generate PBSPro MSI Installer
    1. Command: call .appveyor\generate_installer.bat
  9. Check win_configure\msi\wix\PBSPro.msi
    1. Expected results: PBSPro.msi should exists in win_configure\msi\wix directory


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